Assalamualaikum wr. wbThis News of Muslims is made to meet the needs of Muslims for information and news about the latest Islamic world in Indonesia and internationally. News of the Islamic Community is an application that collects Islamic news directly from Islamic sites which are a reference for Muslims in Indonesia.Islamic News provides information about the latest Islamic world with reference to the Sunni Islam website that presents Islamic news in accordance with the principles of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Aswaja).The news sources in this application such as:1. Tarbawia2. Islamedia3. Tarbiyah.net4. The Enlightenment5. Muslim.or.id6. Eramuslim7. Wahdah Islamiyah8. Islamic Unity (Exactly)9. Sharia Consultation10. Islamic content11. Friday Sermons12. Nahi Munkar13. Islampos14. Qibla15. Greetings Onine16. Browse the Media17. Moslem Update18. Umatuna19. Islamidia20. Ngelmu21. Moslem Today22. Arrahmah23. Tarbawiyah24. Islamic Portal25. PKPU26. Alms House27. Alumni 212etc ...Islamic video:1. Islamic lights2. Rodja TV3. Yufid TV4. AQL TV5. Islamic lights6. Muslim Film Maker7. Positive Music8. Al-Bahjah TV9. Ust. Khalid Basalamah10. Ust. Abdul Somad (Tafaqquh)11. Ust. Syariq Riza BasalamahDISCLAIMER: The Muslim News application displays news from various sources. The Islamic website feed, all articles, news and information contained in this application are the sole responsibility of the author and editor of the source of the article.